Friday, May 31, 2013

Quote of the day

Erase the word 'impossible' and change with the frase 'difficult, but YES I'll strive for it'.......Xavier Quentin Pranata

Big wed

I haven't wrote in a long time. I've been busy preparing the wedding for my cousin. Because the wedding gown was from me, also with the mother of the groom's , and also for me and my kids. So I guess it's been a busy week right. I'll give you a peek later.
I made for my self a 'gown', yeah you still called it gown because it's a long dress :)
I made for me a corset dress (because the cloth are sewn on the corset) so it'll be friendly worn for me. And I use wool. Not like the usual material for a gown.
Also for my boys, I made them boutonniere, this time I made not from flowers, but from their toys. Sonic and his friends....
Here's the pic.

Before...still fitting

 See the boutonniere? They are Knuckles, Shadow and Tail. And me? I'm wearing Silver boutonniere...:)

Here's the flower girl dress

The sister dress

The wedding gown

Monday, May 13, 2013

Quote of the day

If you do the best,God will giving you the best.......Lo Henry

Nice to read

Have you ever...when you enjoying your day, relaxing, refreshing, suddenly you really want to share kindness for someone? That is God....which is talking with you and knocking your heart...
Have you ever.....when you are down, disappointed....but no one's around you that you can talk to? That's the time God want you to talk with Him...
Have you ever......accidently thinking about someone that you haven't seen in long time and suddenly that person called you or you meet him? That is God's power to accompany you....nothing is coinsedance....
Have you are expecting something that you really wanted but its too hard? Actually that is God. He know and hear your will....but it's not the right time
Have you ever been in the hardest situation...everyting is so stuck, blur, empty, so hard...ever scary? That is the time when God let you to be tested, so you realize His presence. Because He knows you begin to forget Him in your happiness.
Often God showing His love and power in the area, where you feels you cant do a thing. Do you think this is just a story you read? NO. One more time , there is coinsedance....thru this God is thinking about you. God knows what is the best for you. Because He loves you more than you love yourself...

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Surabaya Fashion Parade Day#4

Today at SFP day 4, there are a designers etalage fashion show. And as long as I see, the crowd are bigger than yesterday. Which means good, right. Because it's the indicator that people are more aware of fashion these days. Today there are Billy Wong&Barbara Angelisa,Dannis Collections, Tedjo Laksono, Embran Nawawi, Fedora Thamrin, Inez Ayutiaz,Ivan Julius, Catherine Njoo, Ai Syarif, Amoka Indonesia, Up 2 Date, Riani, Karina Putri Wijaya, Oka Diputra adn Largo.
Sorry that I only have a few picture of their collection. 
Here's Amoka Indonesia's collections by Rhy


Surabaya Fashion Parade Day#3

I missed SFP day 2. But I attended SFP day 3 today. And this is a bit different with past years, because the fashion show take place at convention hall not at the atrium and also there are fashion expo with a lot of tenants. So this is like a small fashion week. I think this is the biggest fashion event in Surabaya.
And today all the APPMI designers are showing their latest collections. They are Denny Djoewardi, Alphiana Chandrajani, Djoko Sasongko, Melia Wijaya, Elok Rege Napio, Lia Afif, Ayok Dwipancara,Lenny Kurniawati andLilik Suhariyati. The interesting part is all the designers using denim to all their collections without losing their style.
Pic from backstage

Abbreviate, is my collection. Inspired by extreme silhouette with a mininal details.
And I'd like to thank you to Rendhy for sharing his photo with me.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Surabaya Fashion Parade Day#1

Two days ago was the first day of Surabaya Fashion Parade. And for opening ceremonial, APPMI (my fashion designers group) was throwing a mini fashion show. Each designers (we had 10 designers) had to shown 1 collection which is using Tuban tenun gedog as the base material.
This mini fashion show was like an announcement to the public, that we will have a fashion show on May 3rd, and all of us will using denim. 
So here's my collection with tenun gedog

For the necklace, I use black board like I've told you before and the added with some scrapbooking supplies. Also for the hair, I use wool thread.

There's a very short video from the show. Hope you all can enjoy it.

 And this is me, taking a pic at the billboard with my collections in it :)