Friday, September 27, 2013

Quote of the day

"Yesterday" has passed,"Later" has coming yet. What we have is "Right now"........Antony Setiawan

Stepping Fashion


Two tumbs for Rick Owens spring 2014 ready to wear. So amazing. I never thought that a fashion show can be so entertaining. This is certainly a cheering show. The models are not just a usual models. They are The Soul Steppers of New York, Washington Divas, Momentum and Zetas of Washington DC. They stepping like mad. And also most of the steppers are black, not an "ideal" body size that usual fashion puts on runaway. Me, myself, very enjoying thsi show. It gives me a lot of homework in mind ;)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Today's Project

I found my old red cowboy shirt today. And when I try to wear it, it looks like so old fashioned. Hehehe....Then I started to think...what should I do? So I have a new model with an old shirt. Aha.....
I cut a little in the shoulder, then I glued it ( to make it faster, cause I couldn't wait to wear) and add some studs...


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ethnic glowing Bradz

Today I clean up my drawers. And then suddenly I found my old bradz doll. It was so diry. Her hair was so messy. So I decided to wash her up. I brushed her, shampoing her hair, and also dried the hair. When my bradz already cleaned and shiny, I started to clothed the bradz. I tried to make something different for this bradz. I really like this bradz, cause I think her dark skin make this doll sexy. I started to cut my batik material and a little sew there, sew here, and voila.......

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Quote of the day

A few "troubled" people are put around us to "sharpen" our characters. Be blessed for that...........Lo Henry


Ups.... I can not rotate this images. Also the text. Hahahahahaha. It's okay. I hope you all still continuing. Those are my ideas for my next collections. The ispirations came from South Sulawesi, one of the island of Indonesia. I like their culture. Actually I like all Indonesian culture. They are awsome. Very rich, very inspiring. So I'll try to inteprate their culture to ready to wear collections. I will use printings, paintings and less beadss. Perhaps ;)

Ciputra World Fashion Week

For three days, one of the most "in" shopping mall in Surabaya, Ciputra World has a fashion week. This is the first time for them to have such a big event. Actually this is the first time Surabaya has a fashion week. So sorry I had no change to see the opening and the first 2 days. But today I can attend the event. For today, they had brand fashion show such Coach in the afternoon. In the evening they had ARVA School of Design's show(my fashion school), MJS's , Adit's and the closing ( that all the crowds waiting for) is Priyo Oktavianus's show. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Yelloww mellow

Happy friday everyone.....I just finished changing my home again. Today I change into yellow ambiance around the living room.  Put yellow batik, and I drapped the yellow batik again......just alot of yellow. It makes the ambiance of the room bright. Makes my mood also brighten up. So I guess it's perfect for me to start a day tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A story for today

Happy wednesday goes thursday everyone...yeah because it's already midnight here. And I'm still doing my homework. 
I'd just finished my listing and emailed it. So before go to bed, I like to share with you what happened to me today.
Thanks God. Today my twins turns 5. Yay.....Happy Birthday dears. Hope you'll be the person just like God's purposed :*
Since yesterday, I was looking for my twins b'day wish list. The Ninja turtles toys. I went to the mall near my house and start looking for it. But they don't have it. So I went to another shopping mall which have two toy stores. I came to the first one, and they said that they don't have it yet.  They asked me to go to the other store. And I start to worried. Because the other store is the same store's brand with the store at the mall near my house. I began saying my prayer. I said, God where I had to find the toys? Because I tought they definetly don't have it and my sons craving for it.  But I was wrong. They have the ninja turtles toys just excatly like my twins wanted. My sons only want the purple and the red ninja turtles. Amazingly the store had only one purple ninja turtles and one red ninja turtles. Its like the toys were meant to be for my sons.I believe it's not cuincedance.

Dress: Zara, headbead: stradiavius

this is the ninja turtles

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A lot of red

Nannyless, chefless, driverless makes me have no "me" time to write. And today , while preparing my collections for metro department store, i sneak myself out and blogging. ;)
It's been a depressing and stressfull week for me. The deadline pressure and anything, sometimes makes me tired to the max. But somehow, I still try to push myself to make up and dressed up, even though I don't feel like to. Because I remembered someone told me, that when you dress or make yourself up, it means you appreciated yourself.
So for today outfit, I'm wearing a lot of red. I don't know why. I just felt that I want it. When I took a shower in the morning, usually I thought about what I'm gonna wear. And suddenly a red thought jump into my head today.

tank top: on the rocks, skirt: unbranded, necklace: my DIY