Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Be different, Be you

I've been thinking lately. Honestly I think after I read my friend status in facebook. She wrote something like " I bought clothes at local market, everyone is wearing the same. I bought clothes at ZARA or Mango, everyone also wear the same. " And then something comes in my mind...
I think that you can be different wearing the same clothes with everyone. It depends on how you mix and match it. To your creativity. To you. How you want to look that day. Or how you want people knows you.
For me, I just want to be myself. My style, ME...

White dress: unbranded, White organza: DIY, collar: catch catch

White tshirt: lacoste, Blue velvet top: unbranded, Skirt: Diy (material from bali market), necklace: from china


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