Friday, June 14, 2013

A little faith

 I got this cartoon drawing from the friend of mine. This is his daughter's drawing. So cute hah:) 
He even asked me, who's character is look alike with this new cartoon characterAnd I asked, Jasmine's father. Ha..ha..ha... Do you think they are alike? 
I couldn't sleep yesterday. My mind was still loading with a lot of DIY stuff to make. So instead trying to sleep, I just jump off from my bed, grab my unfinished army cluth, preparing some canvass sheet, and began to draw my girl which is inspired by the new cartoon character. So here's is the result......TADAAAAAA.......

But this clutch haven't finished yet. I still need to add some texmo, some detail touch and also the opener. Maybe in a few days this clutch will done. (hope so...) And that time it finished, I will show it to you. Promise :)

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