Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Quote of the day

Learn to love with unconditional love even though it's imposible for you to do.......Michael Sonny Suryawan


Today was sooo soo sooo overload for me. My head are full with many things. Some I can solve, but others I can't. 
So I keep myself busy rather than think about problems I can't solve. It's God's part :)
Until now I'm still preparing for the first day of Surabaya fashion Parade tomorrow. I'm still making accessories for my collection for day 1 and day 3.
I'll give you a peek

 I make this from a black board and then cut it and glue it. Also I put some scrapbook things to add a finishing touch.
 And I make this from rope and colourful thread.

Friday, April 26, 2013

quote of the day

If I am asked to make a compendium of the Holy Bible in one word, I will write down: LOVE......Xavier Quentin Pranata

Another Kartini's Day

Today was so exhausted for me. And also a relief. 'Cause the past few days, I had to wake up early in and rushed to my sons school and had a choir practice. So when the day is come , which is today, and our performance successed, that is very reliefing. Ahhh....
Actually this is a Kartini's Day for the IPH students. And the main is the fashion show of the student itself. Can you imagine how cute they are? And can you imagine that those kids are willing to wear those traditional clothes even the clothes don't make them comfortable? ahhhhh....kids....
Also the amazing parts is, the boosters (the moms) and the teachers, they are totally make over themself. Not including me I guess :)
So where your eyes can see, all you can see is a lots of kids wearing traditional and the woman wearing kebaya. Cool...
I'll show you some photos of today..

All the amazing boosters

My boys wins the 1st place and the 3rd place of Fashion show Competition

Add caption
Look ats those cute kids and their clothes

Denim Innofashion

Yes that the global theme for the 6th Surabaya Fashion Parade this time. And I found this ad yesterday. I was driving to buy some materials and suddenly I saw this ad. This was the photoshoot I was telling you about the other day. And I'm so amazed with the result. It's cool right...
So you guys, I invited you to come and see the biggest event in Surabaya. You'll won't be disapointed. I guarantee. Because there will be Fashion Illustration Award, Kids Wear Fashion Design Competition, Surabaya Fashion Designer Award, Fashion Expo, and many more. So come and see you there....

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Yay....my expo is today. Actually today is a day where almost all the woman in Surabaya city attended the Kartini's event called Kemilau Kartini. This event is for celebrating Kartini's day on 21th April.
Raden Ajeng Kartini, a 19th-century Java woman, who distinguished herself in fields where women were traditionally excluded.
So today...all the woman who came is wearing kebaya or at least something with traditional touch in it. Amazing right. In this event, we have a talk show about being a woman, about what woman must do and should be proud of, then followed with fashion show and also there were many booth that sells and promote their stuff, including mine :)

 And also I uploaded some photos of mine...

top: DIY, necklace:unbranded, Skirt:batik

Quote of the day

Religion give us the law, it tells us what to do. But grace tells us how to do it, by the power of the Spirit, by depending on God's strength.....Anne Anggreani

Monday, April 15, 2013

Fun Fest

I just had a fun time with my husband and friends. We went to Pakuwon City Food festival. We jwalkes in to this cafe and we eat  and talked for hours and we eat again and talk again. Hahahaha. Because so many various food and it's just to bad if we don't try it. At least a small bit.
Suddenly I found this picture. It's only a train picture in black and white colour. But I like it. So I just take a shoot with me standing in front of it.

top: zara, pants:zara, necklace:zara, bag:webe

Quote of the day

Loving others is an "expression" of God's love inside our heart......Lo henry

Bag versus Mickey

A few days ago, when I went to the mall to meet some friends, I saw my cousin. The first time that caught me in the eye when I saw her, was her bag. It's just an ordinary bag. But what makes it special is the ornament that she puts in. She puts the mickey mouse bracelets and also a mickey bag tag. Since both of us crazy about mickey mouse.
And thats gives me also some ideas. I decided to make my own. Sorry sis.. I copied your idea. Can't resist :)


Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Thank God for today. Yes....Because I already finished my sandals collections. I have an expo later on 26. This expo is for the Kartini event. So I think that it would be good if the goods are ethnic and traditional.  And I had to prepare to fill up my expo booth with sandals, dresses, etc. I still don't know  yet what else. Today I will post the photos of my sandals. Tomorrow I will post about my other preparation :)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Quote of the day

Laugh is like a brush that cleanses all the dirts  in our heart....Lo henry

Those tiny hands

Recently I browse some fashion sites and I found this amazing accecories. You'll understand later why i called it amazing. 

 Now you see why right. see those tiny hands over there? Wow....it's brillian. This necklace were made by Heaven Tanudiredja.

Those tiny little hands, chairs he used, I think he wants to reflect about the brain's works. And can you agree with me that this is totally amazing?


Hi again you guys. I know I hadn't wrote for a few days. Lots to do. First my kids got sick one by one. Second I had a special guests and spent a lot of time with them. Third lately I was so tired that I couldn't open my eyes. So here I am today..writing again.
Today  I went  to atum market to buy some material and stuffs. While I walked, I saw a checked tops. So I asked the lady if I could try on. I tried,but  I didn't buy it. Because the material is not good. But I took a picture when I wore it, secretly of course. Sorry if the result is not good.
Also I added frames to my photo. I use line camera from my android.