Friday, November 29, 2013

Christmas is coming....

Yey......Christmas is coming to town. So happy,so excited....a lot of ideas already in my mind.
So I decided to decorate my house a little earlier than usually. Because I cant wait for christmas. Last year, I picked white for my decor theme. But this year I want something different. I used batik for the main theme. All of the emblishements are having a batik or ethnical touch in it. I'll let you take a peek . Tada......this is my unfinished christmas ..decor. I called unfinished because I havent put christmas tree..

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Coco Made Me Do It

Happy sunday everyone....I hope you enjoy your weekend. For today, I wear white coco made me do it Tshirt and black skirt. I added a pearl necklace and converse shoes. Actually when I went to church this morning, I wore my heels. But as I'll go to mall, I changed my heels. Because too much heels makes my feet hurt. So I guess the quote " beauty is pain" is not for me. Hahaha

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Draw me sketches

I just bought a new phone. Samsung note 3. I bought it because it had stylus so I can sketched wherever and whenever I wanted. And for the last 3 days, I've been busying myself learnt how to draw with stylus. I think I need more adustment. But for now I'll show you my works. You can judge it after you see it. It's up to you whether you'll like it or not.

Friday, November 8, 2013


That's the global theme for ARVA annual fashion show this year. The show began with student's costume oarade, which every student must wear their own design. Then continues with the fashion design student's presentations. Each student makes 3 designs and then the models will walk in the catwalk while the judges will score it. There are 36 students today. And one of them will be announced as the best student. After the fashion design students's , there're still a corset students.  Then for the finale, a show by a guest designer. This time this special guest designer for ARVA's is Alben Ayub Andal.
Mischa, theMC
The costume parade
The corset dress
All the corset dress 
Alben Ayub Andal

This is my favourite. 


Today I was attending my fashion school ARVA annual fashion show, and i will post after this. What I'm about to tell you is, when I read the dresscode, it says Steampunk. I have no idea, what kind of steampunk clothing is. So instead of trying to figure out the 'steampunk clothing' is, I decided to make a jewerelly. I started to search in my scrapbook things for something like machine,  because steampunk means  a sub genre of science fiction that typicially featured steam powered machinery. And I found couples of gears, chains, keys and started to make  my DIY necklace.

Love is all around

I've invited to my client's son wedding today. There are such a huge party. The decoration are filled with flowers. The ambiance feels so romantic yet elegant. The music, the performance, everything were just perfectly fit. But as you all don't know, a few days earlier ( two days ago excatly) I was so panic. Because I have no party dress to wear. Then I decided to make a simple one. I made it from Indonesian traditional cloth. Also I made the necklace to wear with it.

The hanging flowers from the roof

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

My version of Indonesian Pride

 Just found out that the famous Indonesian fashion blogger Diana Rikasari, pick my design ( the blue one) to be an example in order to promote the  Metro dept store and competition which we have to upload our photos wearing Indonesia fashion items such as batik, songket, etc 

B Heaven

This is what makes me nuts. I love these stuff. Beads, ribbon, threads, crystals,etc. This is what I called the "B" heaven 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Ivy and ivy

This is my outfit for today. My mom bought this for me. And I wear it with my old nude wedges. But as I wore it a whole day lon, suddenly my husband didn't like my outfit. He thoughts that my skirt was too flare. Makes me looked too young. So what do you think guys? ;)

Quote of the day

Many people are like gaebage truck. They run around fill of garbage, full of frustation, full of anger and full of dissapointment. A their garbage piles up, they look for a place to dump it. And if you let them, they'll dump it on you. When someone wants to dump iton you, don't take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well and move on. Believe me, you'll be happier.....David J Pollay

Friday, September 27, 2013

Quote of the day

"Yesterday" has passed,"Later" has coming yet. What we have is "Right now"........Antony Setiawan

Stepping Fashion


Two tumbs for Rick Owens spring 2014 ready to wear. So amazing. I never thought that a fashion show can be so entertaining. This is certainly a cheering show. The models are not just a usual models. They are The Soul Steppers of New York, Washington Divas, Momentum and Zetas of Washington DC. They stepping like mad. And also most of the steppers are black, not an "ideal" body size that usual fashion puts on runaway. Me, myself, very enjoying thsi show. It gives me a lot of homework in mind ;)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Today's Project

I found my old red cowboy shirt today. And when I try to wear it, it looks like so old fashioned. Hehehe....Then I started to think...what should I do? So I have a new model with an old shirt. Aha.....
I cut a little in the shoulder, then I glued it ( to make it faster, cause I couldn't wait to wear) and add some studs...


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ethnic glowing Bradz

Today I clean up my drawers. And then suddenly I found my old bradz doll. It was so diry. Her hair was so messy. So I decided to wash her up. I brushed her, shampoing her hair, and also dried the hair. When my bradz already cleaned and shiny, I started to clothed the bradz. I tried to make something different for this bradz. I really like this bradz, cause I think her dark skin make this doll sexy. I started to cut my batik material and a little sew there, sew here, and voila.......

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Quote of the day

A few "troubled" people are put around us to "sharpen" our characters. Be blessed for that...........Lo Henry


Ups.... I can not rotate this images. Also the text. Hahahahahaha. It's okay. I hope you all still continuing. Those are my ideas for my next collections. The ispirations came from South Sulawesi, one of the island of Indonesia. I like their culture. Actually I like all Indonesian culture. They are awsome. Very rich, very inspiring. So I'll try to inteprate their culture to ready to wear collections. I will use printings, paintings and less beadss. Perhaps ;)

Ciputra World Fashion Week

For three days, one of the most "in" shopping mall in Surabaya, Ciputra World has a fashion week. This is the first time for them to have such a big event. Actually this is the first time Surabaya has a fashion week. So sorry I had no change to see the opening and the first 2 days. But today I can attend the event. For today, they had brand fashion show such Coach in the afternoon. In the evening they had ARVA School of Design's show(my fashion school), MJS's , Adit's and the closing ( that all the crowds waiting for) is Priyo Oktavianus's show.